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10 Tips for Keeping Your Summer Safe and Fun-Filled

written by Skye Sherman - Jul 16, 2018

Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman
Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman

Summer is finally here, and for many, it’s the best and most anticipated time of the year. It’s no wonder why! In the summer, there’s no cool and plenty of sunshine to enjoy. Plus, you get to fill your time with fun outdoor activities, go on adventures and vacations, visit with friends and family, and just enjoy life. That’s the main goal of any given summer day: enjoy it to the fullest! Having nowhere to be and all the time in the world to get there is a great feeling. Even if you still have to work during the summer, the long days of daylight coupled with the downtime you’ll experience make this season something to look forward to every year.

Of course, summer’s only fun when you stay safe and healthy. Dealing with an injury or illness during the most exciting time of year is no fun, and it certainly can put a damper on your days! Avoid facing bummers like this by taking extra steps to stay safe, healthy, and fueled with energy to get the most out of the summer days you get.

1. Avoid summer diseases

Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman
Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman

Ever heard of summer diseases? Many people don’t even realize that there are certain illnesses and viruses that people are more prone to developing during the summer time! Of course, common issues like sunburn and heat stroke are common but pretty easy to avoid as long as you take the right steps. But people may not think as much about the summer activities that can lead to skin rashes, stomach upset, and even rabies. Yes, rabies! More outdoor time means more chances of encountering an infected animal. Always stay away from stray animals, including dogs, cats, and raccoons.

Getting into dirty pool water or splashing in a water park with thousands of other people could lead to skin infections, funguses, and unfortunate issues like ringworm, athlete’s foot, impetigo, and molluscum. To avoid this, try to stay away from environments where a lot of people are touching the water. If you do enter a public pool or hot tub, it’s best to shower off before and after. Also, never expose a cut or open wound to public water.

E. coli is another common disease that can pop up during summer. Eating contaminated food like raw meat, fresh produce, and even milk that has not been pasteurized can all lead to contracting E. coli if you are exposed to this bacteria.

Another common summer disease is the flu. With increased rainfall comes the risk for the increased ease of spreading diseases like the flu. With the start of flu season, many recommend getting a flu shot and also washing your hands regularly and avoiding unnecessary contact.

Avoiding summer diseases doesn’t have to put a damper on your summer fun--if anything, it should free you up to have more fun by keeping you safe, healthy, and ready for what the day brings!

2. Practice pool safety

Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman
Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman

For a lot of people, summer means plenty of time in the pool and ocean. All ages love splashing around and cooling off in a body of water on a hot summer’s day. However, a fun day of swimming can quickly turn tragic if you don’t exercise caution and employ safe swimming practices.

A recent article published by the New York Times titled Drowning remains major concern during summer states:

“You remember hearing your child, younger sibling or even another person’s child frolicking away mere moments ago and now you hear nothing. This is the sound of drowning. Not something loud and full of yelling as the movies would have you believe, but a quiet struggle that can lead to death within three minutes in most cases.

According to a report by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1,000 children to age 19 die each year due to unintentional drowning, and nearly 4,900 will be admitted to the hospital for submersion-related incidents. This makes drowning the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death behind traffic accidents.”

A drowning accident is avoidable in most cases. By keeping a close eye on anyone who is swimming--whether rowdy adults or young children--you might just save a life.

In addition, child safety website makes the following recommendations when it comes to swimming safety tips and keeping little ones safe around bodies of water:

● “Watch kids when they are in or around water, without being distracted. An official Water Watcher card can help designate a responsible adult to keep an eye on kids in the water at all times.

● Teach children to swim with an adult. Older, more experienced swimmers should still swim with a partner every time.

● Swimming aids such as water wings or noodles are fun toys for kids, but are not appropriate to be used as a personal floatation device (PFD). Be sure to use a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket or PFD for your kids.

● Teach children that swimming in open water is NOT the same as swimming in a pool. They need to be aware of uneven surfaces, river currents, ocean undertow and changing weather.”

Stay safe this summer by ensuring anyone hanging out in or around water is breathing and accounted for. Distractions can wait, and it’s not worth wasting a single minute at risk of a person’s life.

3. Cook healthy meals

Summertime brings ample opportunity to eat great food. Grilling outside on the BBQ is a fun way to enjoy the outdoors and also prepare a healthy feast. From fresh corn on the cob to lean meats like chicken and fish, common grilling items are not only good for your health and nutrition, they’re also a fun experience to enjoy cooking together with friends and family.

Plus, eating healthy means you’ll both feel better and fit better in your clothes, which is great news for all those fun summer styles you want to wear! There’s no better time of year than summer to pursue your fittest and healthiest self.

Of course, you’ll want to practice safe grilling tips any time you opt to cook outside. You should position the grill far away from common bustling areas and playing children. Designating a “kid-free zone” around the grill may also be a smart idea so that children know not to get too close. And never let a child around matches, lighters, or fire starters for the grill.

4. Drive safe on your road trip

Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman
Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman

For many people, summer time means it’s time for a road trip! Exploring a new place and getting there by car is a great way to see the country and spend time with loved ones. Road trips are great, but you’ve got to make sure to do them safely. Considering factors you wouldn’t normally think of can prove to be the difference between getting into an accident and arriving alive.

For example, simply putting on a pair of sunglasses can protect your eyes from the blinding sun and ensure you can see everything in your path clearly and without a glare. In addition, you should never drive on medication. Even if you seem and feel fine, there are some medications that can affect your alertness and your vision. Both of these things are extremely important when driving, especially when you are responsible for other lives in your car as well.

Also, you should make sure that every person in your car is wearing a seatbelt at all times. It may be tempting to lay down, sprawl out, or unbuckle on a long drive, but it’s not worth the risk of what can happen if you get into an accident while not wearing a seatbelt. In addition, use proper installation methods for car seats, booster seats, and shoulder safety belts.

5. Exercise caution around fireworks

Summer means it’s time to celebrate, and many summer celebrations involve the use of fireworks. While this explosive spectacle may be dazzling to see, it does come with a unique set of risks that you should make sure to be prepared for. Fireworks explosions and injuries can cause severe burns and even death.

Never let children anywhere near fireworks, even when they are not lit. Obey the fireworks laws wherever you live, and watch out for stray sparks when you’re watching a fireworks display put on by others. It may be a good idea to keep a fire extinguisher or at least a bucket of water nearby in case of an emergency.

6. Drink responsibly

Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman
Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman

Sure, the hot summer days inspire many people to cut loose and lay back. Enjoying a beer or a fruity cocktail is simply part of the experience for some people. However, just because it’s summer and life is good doesn’t mean that you’re immune to alcohol related incidents.

Make sure to keep alcoholic beverages away from potential access by children. Fruity drinks and mixers may visually appeal to kids with their bright colors, so don’t let a mix-up like this happen. Never drink and drive or operate machinery.

If you are going to imbibe, make sure to do so responsibly. And also make sure not to mix alcohol with your medications. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about alcohol consumption and the medications you are taking.

7. Hold down the fort

Heading out for a family camping trip? What could be more fun! However, heading out for a night in the wilderness carries with it some added risks.

Before you go, research the location and try to talk to others who have camped in the same place before. Ask them for tips and pointers. If you are not an experienced camper, you may want to head out on your first trip with others who have camped before and feel confident in their abilities. If you can’t list out at least ten camping safety tips off the top of your head, you may not be ready to camp out on your own. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

In addition, always bring proper gear and wear protection like sleeves, bug repellent, and sturdy shoes. Make sure you have plenty of food and water, but keep it away from the noses of prowling bears!

8. Be proactive

Being proactive may just be the best piece of summer advice you receive. By taking precautions and preventive measures, you can prevent some seriously unfortunate situations from ever occurring. For example, the simple acts of wearing sunscreen and applying bug spray can keep you safe from the major discomfort and inconvenience caused by sun poisoning (or sun overexposure) and diseases spread by mosquitoes.

We offer several different brands of sunscreen for a great price on our site. Whether you prefer a Banana Boat spray or a Coppertone lotion, we have what you need to protect your precious largest organ from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Moreover, one tip that many people do not think about in advance but that can really come in handy is bringing along extra allergy medication. Having allergy medicine on hand can really prevent some bad days! When a person who suffers from allergies can’t find relief, they’ll feel miserable and not up for much of anything. That’s why it’s best to have some allergy medicine on hand before you think you need it. It can also come in handy to provide to others who may need it but didn’t think to bring it.

9. Eat plenty of fruit!

Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman
Photo Credit: by Skye Sherman

The summer harvest means that sweet, healthy, juicy fruit is plentiful and up for grabs. Take advantage of the bounty of the season and enjoy indulging in plenty of fruit. It’s good for you, helps keep you hydrated and nourished, and it tastes delicious!

Whether you blend your favorite fruits into a smoothie or simply enjoy them cut into bite-sized chunks, summer is a great time to make sure you’re getting fed your fair share of this important food group.

10. Learn new things

Just because it’s summertime doesn’t mean you should put your brain on hold. Whether it’s learning to swim for the first time or simply keeping the brain active by focusing on educational endeavors like reading books and finding new interests, make sure to keep your brain active this summer. This can also help you to beat the summer blues.

Your local library can be a great resource for finding some educational activities and inspiring things to do, such as signing up for crafts and guest lectures on a variety of topics. It also wouldn’t hurt to check out a book when you visit! Summer is a prime time to explore new interests and engage your mind, which also helps to prevent memory loss.


Skye Sherman is a freelance travel writer based in West Palm Beach, FL. Her work has appeared in Lonely Planet, AOPA Pilot, Palm Beach Illustrated, Skyscanner, and more.


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